SEO Consulting Experience

I spent college studying all things journalism, writing, editing & fact-checking, for local magazines & newspapers in Seattle & Tacoma. This led me to a career in content strategy for Expedia, where I stayed for 6+ years in various roles.

While I specialize in SEO & content marketing, I also spent several years at Expedia learning the ins and outs of machine generated content. My experience is wide-ranging and I love talking about content and getting in the weeds with data.

I know my way around a quick deadline, high pressure deliverables and organic traffic emergencies. Let me help you with your unique content & SEO challenges!

More about my journey into the world of SEO Content Consulting


While the breadth of my experience is in tech & travel, I have a strong passion for helping small businesses get off the ground.

I started out as a content writer & editor myself with stints at Seattle Magazine, Seattle Metropolitan Magazine, and Seattle-based publishing house, Sasquatch Books. From humble beginnings as an intern and a fact-checker, I’ve learned a lot about content first-hand.

My unique experience has helped me learn how to be adaptable, and learn new skills on the fly. If you want to connect and learn more about how I might be able to help with your SEO optimization needs, reach out today!